UPDATE, Saturday, December 12 . I invite all those who peevishly blame the president for what's been happening (or not happening) in Washington to take a look at this poll , just out on PollingReport.com. You will recall that Obama, throughout his campaign, advocated a so-called "public option" as part of healthcare reform, and he has continued to fight for it during the tumult of the past several months. The poll linked above shows that just under 60 percent of Americans, overall, favor a public option. Among Democrats — whose elected officials theoretically control the White House as well as both houses of Congress — the figure is 80 percent. Even a full one-third of Republicans favor the plan. And yet we can't seem to get it done in the obstructivist, gamesmanship-dominated, lobbyist-inflected climate within today's Beltway. ================================= While we're on the subject of politics, major governmental initiatives, political biases and all t
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